April 15, 2014


Unit Nº31 v.0.4

            Main Definitions

  1. engagement 1 |n| a mutual promise to marry.
  2. "He announced his engagement to his long-time girlfriend."
  3. "They were married last month after a short engagement."
  4. engagement 2 |n| a formal agreement to get married.
  5. "The couple are expected to announce their engagement today."
  6. "Were you surprised when Toni broke off your engagement."
  7. betrothal |n| a mutual promise or contract for a future marriage, called also espousal.
  8. "The play revolves round the betrothal of a duke to a doctor's daughter."
  9. espousal |n| |old| the act of becoming betrothed or engaged.
  10. troth |n| a mutual promise to marry.


  1. date |n| a social or romantic appointment.
  2. ""I've got a date with Lucy tomorrow night."
  3. "I felt like a teenager going out on a first date."
  4. "I think I might ask her out on a date."
  5. rendezvous |n| a meeting where two people have arranged to meet at a particular time or place, often secretly.
  6. "She arranged a rendezvous with him in the hotel bar."
  7. tryst |literary| |n| a secret meeting between people who are having a romantic relationship.
  8. "A good place for a moonlight tryst."
  9. engagement ring 1 |n| a ring given and worn as a sight of bretrothal.
  10. engagement ring 2 |n| a ring given in token of betrothal; especially: a diamond solitaire so given by a man to his fiancée.
  11. "Jerry bought her a beautiful sapphire engagement ring."
  12. engagement party |n| a party thrown to celebrate a couple's recent engagement and to help future wedding guests to get to know one another.
  13. "Claudia Schiffer arrived hand-in-hand with her husband, the film director Matthew Vaughn, at an engagement party for Uma Thurman and Arpad Busson in London on Tuesday evening."


  1. couple |n| a pair of people who live together.
  2. "A married couple."
  3. "An delderly couple."
  4. duo / pair |n| two people who perform together or who are often seen together.



  1. bird |n| |UK| |inf| young woman or girlfriend
  2. girlfriend / lady friend / girl |n| a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved.


  1. boyfriend 1 |n| a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman.
  2. "If I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked."
  3. boyfriend 2 |n| a person's regular male companion in a romantic or sexual relationship.
  4. "She had a string of wealthy boyfriends before she finally married."
  5. beau |n| a boyfriend or male admirer.
  6. fellow |n| a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman.
  7. wooer |n|a man who courts a woman.


  1. fiancée |n| a woman who is engaged to be married.
  2. brides-to-be |n| a woman who is going to be married soon.
  3. "Jonathan's bride-to-be.".


  1. fiancé |n| the man whom a woman is going to marry.
  2. "Her fiancé was killed in the war."
  3. suitor 2 |n| a man who pursues a relationship with a woman with a view to marriage.

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