July 27, 2014


Thematic Vocabulary Unit Nº 265 v.0.1

      Main Definitions

  1. adolescence |n| the time, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, when a young person is developing into an adult.
  2. "Some young people suddenly become self-conscious and tongue-tied in early adolescence."
  3. adolescent |n| a young person who is developing into an adult (used especially when talking about the problems these people have)
  4. "He charged from a cheerful child to a confused adolescent."
  5. awkward age |n| |US| the period of adolescence marked by self-

July 23, 2014


This is an index of our posts to society issues.

  1. Cities (8)
  2. Crime (16)
  3. Money (1)
  4. Numbers (6)
  5. World of Witches (3)


This is an index of our posts to activities.

 |n| the condition in which things are happening or being done.
  1. Board Games (4)
  2. Football (10)
  3. Travel (10)


This is an index of our Thematic Vocabulary Units related to nature:

  1. Animals (9)
  2. Colours (1)
  3. Weather (2)

July 22, 2014


Interlinked Thematic Vocabulary Unit Nº 264 v.02

     Main Definitions

  1. youthhood |n| the quality or state of being a youth; the period of youth.
  2. youth 1 |n| the period between childhood and adult age.
  3. "Despite his youth, he had travelled alone."
  4. youth 2 |n| the period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager.
  5. "I was a fairly good football player in my youth."
  6. "The youth of today."
  7. young |adj| having lived or existed for only a short time and not old.